
July 16, 2011

A Dude Responds: His Answer To My Bad Date Bingo Card

I posted my Bad Date Bingo card earlier in the week and people seemed to get a kick out of it. It was re-posted on The Frisky, The Gloss, Lovelyish, and Jezebel, which basically made me jump up and down non-stop.

So, imagine my delight when Michael submitted a guy's version of my bingo card for going out on a crummy date with a girl. Check it out:

HOW RAD IS THIS? It gave me a good laugh because I've totally done a few of these. Hey, I'll admit it. Thanks, Michael! This rules. It's like my bingo card is the Rolling Stones' "Exile on Main Street" and his version is Liz Phair's "Exile in Guyville." Cooooool.


Anonymous said...

I think we can just put "WAS FAT" in every square for this one.

Anna said...

There's nothing wrong with being fat. Not all guys want a skinny girl. Your comment was dumb.

Sophie said...


Julia said...
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Julia said...

At least they were self-aware enough to know that it was a stupid comment and remain anonymous. Zaftig is the new Helvetica. Get with the program.

Pete said...

Whaaaaaaat? No space for "Talked incessantly about The Real Housewives of America's Next Top Idol Says Yes to the Dress"???

Anna said...

In all fairness, that probably wouldn't fit in the square.

Julia H. said...

I think I committed the goofy outfit faux pas, or maybe he just didn't realize how fabulous I looked? Haha.

Drew said...

I pretty much only date women I've been friends with first, but one of the few "dates" I've been on--not OK Cupid but a woman I met at a show-was like a perfect BINGO on this card. She hit on another guy, cried about her ex, had a shitty tattoo, drove like a maniac, got drunk, and then INEXPLICABLY called me for a second date. I also want to add, this time for another girl: was a gluten-adverse vegan and kissed like a hungry guppy.

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