
July 16, 2011

My Face When He Told Me That He Had Never Seen An Episode Of Arrested Development

Or The British Office


Or It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia

Or Party Down

Or Parks and Recreation

Or Boardwalk Empire, Mad Men, or Breaking Bad.

Really? He's seen NONE of these shows?

I can tell already that this isn't going to work out.


Anonymous said...

i love you Anna, these pics are great <3

Anna said...

Awwww! Thank you! I love you too.

Rarian Rakista said...

When my date breaks into which media they enjoy and it is not books, journals or research papers I can tell it isn't going to work out either.

km said...

Brilliant. I used to have a 3-point check for aspiring boyfriends: Arrested Development, It's Always Sunny, and 30 Rock. I gotta say that I'm feeling that Leslie Knopes does more for the ladycrowd now than Liz Lemon, who is just the first google image search for "hot nerd" and frankly becoming a bit one-note, so I think I'm replacing 30 Rock with P&R.

Full disclosure though, I have seen an episode of Boardwalk Empire, but it just ain't my thing.

Anonymous said...

He might be out doing something more fun than watching TV.

Blue Light J said...

Haters gonna hate. Television is the new literature. If you're not well watched, it's hard for me to get past it. Sorry, all the "TV Sucks" people, but you're wrong.

(Just watched Party Down this past week. Loved it.)

Anonymous said...

Television is NOT the new literature. Literature is the new literature. If you like to watch certain programs on Television, that's fine, but if you said to me "You're not well watched, I don't think I can get past that," I would reply, in the words of Ernest Hemingway, "Suck a bag of dicks."

Anonymous said...

“I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book.” - Groucho Marx

Anna said...

You guys cracked me up! What can I say? I like TV. Sue me!

Helen said...

I can honestly say I've only seen one of the shows mentioned, as you can probably guess it's Arrested Development. However, I'll watch Eastbound and Down and the first generation of UK Skins any day.

Bec said...

HAHAHA I almost just snarfed my water. Ok so I'll be honest and say I haven't seen a few on your list, but for the ones that I have seen the faces that matched were priceless!

Anonymous said...

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe this is ANNA'S checklist she is referring to. So whether it be TV/literature/music, she is free to judge her suitors as she see's fit!

I got your back gurrrrl.

Anna said...

Thanks, boo! I appreciate it. xoxo

fille en ville said...

Haha, I know this doesn't relate to tv shows, but I was just on a date with a guy who was brave/stupid enough to admit that he doesn't like The Beatles!! What????

Anonymous said...

god, the beatles are so overrated...

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