
July 7, 2011

Pics and Vids: Believe Me, I've Thought This Before

Record collections don't get into political arguments with me during my birthday dinner. That's all I'm saying. 



Anonymous said...

Didn't know you liked your Guys young. Thought just short. Anyways, next time, during a game of strip charades, play this for him.

Allan Smithee

Anonymous said...

Addendum re: Young Thangs

That was an attempt at humor.

Allan Smithee

Anonymous said...

Addendum (Part II)

Also, Happy Belated Birthday Greetings!

Allan Smithee

Anonymous said...

Allan Smithee sounds... wait, I thought I heard the phone ring while I was drying my hair; that ever happen to you? Anyway, Allan Smithee seems creepy.

Anonymous said...

re: Anyway, Allan Smithee seems creepy.

Thanks for posting that on my birthday.


Allan Smithee

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