
July 5, 2011

Pics and Vids: Women's Magazine Covers, A Skewering


This is hilarious. I couldn't even decide on which headline was funniest! I gotta go with, "Sex Again? What Are You, An Alley Cat?" What's your favorite?

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Anonymous said...

I love the "'I had to pay for my own drink' - One woman's horror" line. Hilarious!

Anonymous said...

Tickle his prostate with an egg beater. Awesome.

Anonymous said...

The "I had to pay for my own drink" line is killer

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha "egg beater."

Anonymous said...

"Lose 30 lbs fast - chop off your leg!"

Anonymous said...

Loved the "Egg beater" Still giggling!

Blue Light J said...

It's kind of odd to be copying these verbatim, but "Sexiest sex to sex after sex" = hilarious.

Yellaphant said...

AMAZING. I can't decide between "Death stalks you" and "Do cupcakes make good boyfriends." So good. So good.

Anonymous said...

"...until you're hot enough to be offended when guys appreciate it..."

Julia H. said...

"Death stalks you" is my fave.

Unknown said...

the most ridiculous part is that none of this is off the mark. even my female friends think it's nuts.

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