It's gotten to the point where I consider giving her fake names of the guys I see because I know if she hears his real name, we will be jinxed as a couple forever. I've tested this theory out a few times and I swear, saying his name out loud in front of the woman who gave me life is a guaranteed relationship doomer. Now, I will wait until the last possible second to tell her his name. I'll mumble it or say it softly because I know once I vibrate those airwaves, the curse is activated. It's like Beetlejuice or something!
It's a double bummer because once she knows his name, she'll ask for updates about our budding romance. I'll squirm in my seat as I tell her about how he blew me off, freaked out on me, and/or disappeared off the face of the planet. So, I've come to the conclusion that telling my mother about any man I want to date is the ultimate jinx.
What about you? Do you have any dating superstitions or am I just crazy? Tell me in the comments.
"...telling my mother about any man I want to date is the ultimate jinx."
Too true.
Me too. Every time I think about telling someone I love them, they stop talking to me out of the blue before I ever get the chance!
Gosh, I saw this post on facebook and literally thought of "CAN'T TELL PARENTS" and I read this! :o It's so true, and I'm not the only one. Damn.
My best superstition is making the first call at a time either :13, :17, :33 or :37 past the hour. And never, ever, on the hour.
I have a claddagh ring, and every time that I turned it around so that the heart was facing towards me (meaning that I was romantically involved with someone) we would break up a matter of days later. Seriously like clockwork.
So with the current beau, I didn't even wear the ring (even though it's my favourite) for the first couple months, and then only recently did I turn it around.
Also, no more Mikes, Michaels, or M names in general.
When I buy special underwear to wear for a guy...it's over. I remember a time when that wasn't true, but for at least 6 or 7 years, every time I get fancy new matching undies it's the kiss of death.
I HAVE THIS SAME PROBLEM! Seriously, telling my mom does the same thing. Sorry we seem to be mom-jinxer buddies...
The minute I admit to myself that I like him... POOF.
Changing your relationship status on Facebook. Just like getting a tattoo of their name. Jinxed janxed junxed.
Ugh guys with the same name as family members. Awkward and always ended terribly.
Yeah, once we start taking pictures together/ of each other the end has begun. It's not just the cutesy "this will be our new facebook album of all about our stupid unconditional love that will let everyone and their mom know how happy we each are with our individual abilities to hold on to another person for a quick minute!" photos, I mean like any photos. Even like accidental "oh he was taking a pic of the view and I stepped into frame by accident" photos. And thats the thing, I love being in pictures but now I find myself dodging cameras and camera phones just out of instinct :/ Its lie PTSD = Picture Trauma Stress Disorder
Also, friends dont let friends date guys named Mike.
any guy with an M name...matt, mike, miguel mickey...all bad ideas
That is too, too true for me as well! I have chosen from this point forward to give as little details to her as possible...."need-to-know-basis" only!
Hahaha, the facebook status is SO true! I've been dating my boyfriend for almost three years now and you had better believe there is not even a neutral status up there. No sir.
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