
August 31, 2011

Attention Women Who Like To Blog And/Or Learn: My Skillshare Class Is In ONE WEEK!

Yup, we're only ONE WEEK away from my upcoming Skillshare class, "Blogging Basics for Girls." It's all going down on Wednesday, September 7th from 7pm - 9pm at the Field House on 12th and Filbert. While I'm using the caps lock button here, have you SEEN my Powerpoints yet? Not to toot my own Powerpointing horn, but they're amazing. *pats my own back while nodding like a pleased gangster*

Here's the class description if you don't feel like clicking on the link:
Fact: women look cute blogging
This class will teach girl bloggers of all skill levels how to maximize their blog's potential. We will go over things all bloggers should know. Everything from the pros and cons of different platforms, analyzing stats, implementing RSS feeds, building traffic, and utilizing social media effectively will be discussed in a relaxed and fun environment. All women are welcome to attend whether you've had a blog for years or just started yours on a whim last week and have no idea what an RSS feed is or why you should have one. Don't worry about it; I'll guide you through it all. Sorry, guys! This class is for women only.

Feel free to bring something to take notes on. You can bring your laptop if you want, but it's not mandatory. I plan on showing an entertaining Powerpoint presentation along with a funny lecture so come hang out, have a drink from the bar, and enjoy yourself while we go over ways to kick your blog into high gear. And, bring your business card if you have one. We'll trade 'em like Garbage Pail Kids.

After the class, I will email all the students a cheat sheet with any relevant links I talked about so you can explore them further at your convenience.
There are only 5 spots left so snap yer ticket up, yo and let's get this (instructional and informative) party started! Weeeeeeeee.


JK said...

This lady blogger is a sad panda because she lives in Toronto. :(

Anonymous said...

I'm in Boston, wish I could be there. Have you considered webinars? Go to meeting or join.me would be an awesome way to see your power point

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