Here are a few updates about what's been going on in Shmitten Kitten-land:
- If you are a woman in Philadelphia who has a blog, I strongly urge you to attend my upcoming Skillshare class, "Blogging Basics for Girls." It's all going down on Wednesday, September 7th from 7pm-9pm at the Field House on 12th and Filbert. I'm putting together the SICKEST Powerpoint presentation to show you guys. I'm not gonna give anything away, but it's going to make Avatar look like Meatballs. Snap yer ticket up because it WILL sell out.
- We had a big week, contest-wise. Congrats to Ashley who won two VIP tickets to the POPPED! Music Festival. And, congrats to Cristina for winning dinner at Fork AND a movie at the Ritz East courtesy of the Philadelphia Film Society.
- Speaking of the POPPED! Music Festival, this month we have an exclusive mix for the Shmitten Kitten Mix of the Month Club featuring some of the bands that will be performing at POPPED! Want it? Sign up for the Club, man. We're almost at 1,000 subscribers which is just bonkers. The deal with the club is that I'll send you a free mix on the 1st of every month. It's free. It's fun. Why not, right?
- Are you attending the Philly Geek Awards on Friday, August 19th? I sure am! If you see me, I'll be the girl pestering the ushers to tell me where the open bar is. I'll also be the girl looking surprised when they tell me that there's no open bar at the event. Come up and say hi.
- If you haven't checked out our sister site, Shlooby Kitten, then don't. You probably won't like it. That is, unless you LIKE laughing so hard that you pop a button and spit coffee on your computer monitor. But, whatever. No big whoop. Ignore it. You're probably better off.
- Wanna read Shmitten Kitten by email so it'll look like you're working? Sign up to get posts delivered straight to your inbox and make it happen, Cap'n.
- Be sure to follow Shmitten Kitten on Facebook and Twitter. I write funny stuff on both of 'em all the time. You'll see.
I am going say hi to you so hard at the Geek Awards.
Yes! Please do.
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