
October 15, 2011

Good News! I've Found My Halloween Costume

But, I'm not just gonna be a man with a giant hairy-chest, I'm going to be a SEXY man with a giant hairy chest.

Just kidding. 

Seriously, I need to think of a killer Halloween costume this year. Any ideas? Do you know what you're gonna be yet? Tell me in the comments.


heather said...

I wanted to go as Garth and Betty Jo from Wayne's World 2 with the boyfriend, but that got shot down. Because I'm too lazy this year to do an awesome homemade costume (it would have been 70s Dolly Parton) I'm going as an explorer, because I have khaki shorts and a pith helmet: all I need is a fake machete from the dollar store and I'm set.

Kate B said...

miss piggy... i found a fake pig nose and just recently got some cool heels, so all i need is the wig a dress and the big pearls and some fake lashes.

Meg said...

After going as Tank Girl last year and having a lot of people comment on my resemblance to her, I thought I might work my way through the roles of Lori Petty in subsequent years, but that gives me a narrow set of choices: Kit Keller from League of Their Own, that girl from Point Break, and the trainer from Free Willy.

Bigail said...

Puss in Boots (In 3D) so i can pass out 3D glasses, and then say "Looks like my fist is coming right at you huh?" Then punch them in the face. (Not really but sorta-kinda).

Becki said...

I always try and fail to look at least sort of sexy in a Halloween costume so this year I though, bugger it. I'm going as a dinosaur. I am very excited about this.

boldaslove said...

Wow, sometimes i wish we did halloween here in australia, then i think of the pressure to come up with a costume and reconsider.

You could be really lazy and go as a occupy wall street protester...

Brittany said...

I'm torn between hulk hogan and a fraggle....

Anna said...

These are all great!

samantha said...

um I will be going as the fat mom that eats all her kids candy.

Anonymous said...

Have you considered using the "Giant Hairy-Chest-Wig" as a merkin?

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