
April 24, 2012

Let's Talk About The Shmitten Kitten Mix of the Month Club

Hello. I'll make this brief. Join the Shmitten Kitten Mix of the Month Club. It goes out to your inbox on the first of every month like clockwork. It's reliable, like a good buddy or an old Nokia phone. Here's the logo. I made it with my own two hands (and a computer).

Sign up for the Shmitten Kitten Mix of the Month Club. If you sign up right now, I’ll send you the May edition. The next one goes out on June 1st! DO IT.

I already have over 1,600 people signed up which is awesome. That's a lot of people. And, if history has taught me anything, it's that 1,600 people can't be wrong about anything. History is on my side!

So much free music; so much free fun. Join right now and get in on this. Do it!


MaryBeth said...

may 1st can't come soon enough...

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