
May 23, 2012

There's This Thing Called The Shmitten Kitten Mix of the Month Club And You Should Join It

Hey there! I hope you're having a great day. I'm not sure if we've talked about this yet, but you should join the Shmitten Kitten Mix of the Month Club. It goes out to your inbox on the first of every month like clockwork. It's reliable, like knowing that Jennifer Lopez will have a fling with one of her backup dancers.

Here's the logo. I made it with my own two hands (and a computer).

Sign up for the Shmitten Kitten Mix of the Month Club. If you sign up right now, I’ll send you the May edition. The next one goes out on June 1st! DO IT.

You're probably like, "I've heard a lot about this mix of the month club but ugh, it seems like a lot of work to click a link and submit my email address." You're wrong! It's not a lot of work at all. It's the opposite of work. Actually, if that's what you think, don't bother joining. I don't want your kind involved anyway. Forget it. (I'm using reverse psychology! Is it working?)

So much free music; so much free fun. Join right now and get in on this. Do it!

Also, why you're here reading this, be sure to follow me on Twitter and Facebook. Thanks!


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