
July 16, 2012

Bonerkiller: His Dream Dog

I don't like his dream dog!
When he held up his cellphone with a picture of his dream dog, I thought that he was out of his fucking mind. There's no way in hell that I'd ever agree to live with a beast like that. The damn thing is HUGE. Giant ears, giant limbs, giant paws: this translates to one thing--giant shits.   

I don't get it! Why do short guys always want huge dogs approximately the same size as they are? It's beyond weird. That'd be like walking around with a buddy on a leash and picking up his shit several times a day. Who'd want to do that on purpose? My mind = boggled.

I've never met a giant dog that I've liked. Their breath smells bad, they slobber everywhere, and they just seem so...cumbersome. Besides, I'm more of a cat person. But just because I like cats, I don't feel the need to have a 6 ft. cat I can pal around with anytime soon. I don't hate all dogs. In fact, I've met a few cool dogs that I've grown to love, but they were small and roughly the size of a cat. Coincidence? Maybe.

It sucks because he looked so happy when he showed me the picture of his dream dog. I feel terrible that I'm not nearly as enthused about the idea of a humungous canine pet as he is, but what are you gonna do? I'm not into it!


julia said...

I am, give him my number

Anonymous said...

How could you not want a six-foot cat? Think of the cuddles!

Mandy said...

I had the opposite happen...I thought he was totally joking about wanting the tiny purse dog. Nope.

Anonymous said...

Ugh. Guys with CATS are the worst. Instant boner killer.

Anna said...

A 6 ft. cat sounds awesome for like, three days. Any more than that then I think it'd be a hassle.

LakiSwirl said...

I LOVE giant dogs! And giant cats!! I've got a pretty beastly dog and a tiny cat, and while you're right, the dog can take some man-size dumps I"m not too fond of picking up, the cat's got the award for the more nose hair singeing odor.

Anna said...

I never grew up around dogs, so I think I'm scared of them. That could be the problem here!

Anonymous said...

Would it be totally wrong to comment on your excellent décolletage here? From where you posted your picture on your other thingy site?

Anna said...

Wow! Thank you.

Anonymous said...

a six foot cat would kill you

Anonymous said...

clearly you are a terrible person

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