
July 30, 2012

My Book, Clearly, I Didn't Think This Through, Is Now Available For Pre-Order!

So, I have some news. For the past two years, between dodging guys who kill my boner and throwing myself at any Michael J. Fox look-alike I come across, I've been working on a book. It's a humor memoir called Clearly, I Didn't Think This Through (November 6, 2012, Berkley Trade) and it's about how terrible I am at being an adult.

Here's the cover:

You can pre-order it anywhere that sells books including these places:
Amazon  Barnes & Noble  iTunes ❖ Penguin.com 
If you have any questions, email me at <anna @ shmittenkitten.com> or just tweet me @ShmittenKitten


James said...


Brad said...

Holy moly! Congrats, Anna. I can't wait to read it.

Jed Singer said...

Congrats, Anna!

Anonymous said...

Is that your butt?

Diane said...

Exciting!! On my Amazon wishlist now! Congratulations!

Anna said...

Thanks, Diane!

Mandy said...

Ummmm whaaaaat! Congrats! I'm super excited to read it!

Anonymous said...

Is that your picture on the cover? Those legs are gorgeous!!! I wouldn't be surprised if your biggest problem is that ordinary guys turn into blabbering, drooling idiots in your presence.

Anonymous said...

Cool underwear!

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