
December 5, 2012

Your L.L. Bean Boyfriend is a New Tumblr That You'll Probably Enjoy

What's better than male models posing in an L.L. Bean catalogue? Male models posing in an L.L. Bean catalogue with a few sentences underneath the picture talking about something adorably outdoorsy they'd do or say. Meet yourllbeanboyfriend.tumblr.com:


p.s.- Adorably Outdoorsy would be a terrific band name. 


Jeanna said...

Hilarious! And also kinda creepy to screencast models from their website and put them in gold frames. I like it though. :)

Anonymous said...

Also, Jason should be saying "Oh shit...Stay quiet and let's back away very...very....slowly." Getting near a mother moose and her calf is fucking dangerous, not cute.

Jessica D said...

There goes my night!

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